Imran Khan Claims Economy of Pakistan in Crisis, Demands Early Elections

Mon Dec 12 2022
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ISLAMABAD: In a press conference, former prime minister and Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Imran Khan said that Pakistan is facing the worst situation for the first time and the economy of Pakistan is also facing crisis.

Recalling his tenure in office, Khan said that his government had taken foreign loans to pay the debts of the country taken by previous governments.

Imran Khan stated that during his government, exports were rising which are declining in the current coalition government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

Imran Khan said international organizations and investors did not trust Pakistan anymore. He added that it was his duty to educate the nation about the economic conditions of Pakistan as presently the media was not informing the nation about the situation of Pakistan.

Call for early elections in Pakistan

During the press conference in Lahore, Khan said that national security has two dimensions, of which one is the institutions of the Pakistan and second is the economy of Pakistan. Thus, every stakeholder and state institution of Pakistan should come forward and take the decision which is early, free, and fair elections.

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