India a Threat to Global Peace: Pakistani Expert

Sun Jun 23 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Foreign Affairs expert strongly believed that the extremist designs of the Modi-led Indian government have proved that India is a threat not only to the region but also to global peace.

Syed Mohammad Ali in his remarks at a private TV channel on Sunday said that India is on the verge of losing support of the Western powers.

Responding to a question, the analyst said that a false flag operation means a drama staged by a country to blame its opponent to legitimize or justify a large-scale military operation against that particular country.

He went on to say that India is attempting to build a fake narrative to divert the world’s attention from internal issues. He pointed out that the false flag operations hold an important place in India’s expansionist designs and that is why they try to present the Kashmir dispute as an issue of terrorism to achieve political goals.

India a Threat to Global Peace Pakistani Expert 1

“They try to create differences among the Kashmiri people to obtain political goals and shatter their trust in the global community and Pakistan,” he pointed out.  The expert said India wants to form a narrative against minorities especially Muslims to hide what is happening in the country.

Syed Mohammad Ali expressing his views said that India has been involved in acts of terrorism in all countries of the region. He added that killings of Sikhs in other parts of the world by India reflect that the country has become a threat to both regional and global peace.  “The Indian policy of targeting Sikh leaders abroad has been severely exposed,” he noted.

He said that the reason that the Modi-led BJP could not achieve what they were expecting in the election was that they had overestimated their position.  The analyst was of the view that India’s policy to target opponents in any part of the world, whether it is UK, Australia, US or Canada exposed its true face.

He said that India has overestimated its strategic relevance to the Western world stating that the world powers are now giving weight to Pakistan’s concerns regarding Indian’s support for terrorism.

He said that the absence of US President Joe Biden from the Republic Day military parade sent a strong signal that the US would not accept killings of American citizens by the Indian military on its soil.

Syed Mohammad Ali added that with the passage of time, India would lose the support of the global powers in defense cooperation and access to technology at major forums of the United Nations.  He said that new policy would emerge at the international level negating the Indian approach that it is inevitable to Western powers.

He said that Modi overestimated his influence in the elections and the BJP has paid a political price for pursuing an exploitative anti-minority policy, especially against Muslims. He noted that minorities in India supported other parties in the general elections which is why today there is a strong and vocal opposition in India.

He said that the BJP has to understand that Pakistan’s bashing or hatred against minorities cannot overshadow their bad governance. He stated that the Indian public wants the BJP to solve their issues rather than focusing on regional dominance and wasting the tax payer’s money on promoting terrorism internationally.

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