India Attempts to Cripple Kashmiris by Passage of IIOJK-related Bills in Lok Sabha

Fri Dec 08 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Narendra Modi-led Indian government’s move to pass two bills in lower house of parliament, Lok Sabha, is in brazen violations of United Nations (UN) resolutions as the legislation is meant to dilute Muslim majority representation in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir’s assembly and opening the door on outsiders for appointments in the territory in the name of restructuring reservation rules.

The passage of IIOJK related two bills in the Lok Sabha is an attempt to politically and economically cripple occupied territory’s Muslim population, Kashmir Media Service report said on Friday.

The Lok Sabha approved the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, designed to increase three seats for non-Muslims in the name of Kashmiri migrant community (Pandits) and displaced persons from Azad Kashmir.

Moroevr, the House also passed the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, aiming to redefine the category of individuals eligible for reservation in admissions and appointments. These bills received parliamentary approval on Wednesday.

The report maintained that redrawing electoral boundaries, giving more seats to Hindu-dominated Jammu and now reserving three seats for non-Muslims are intended to install Hindu Chief Minister in Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmit and that the same has been a long-held ambition of Hindutva forces.

Bills to further disempower Kashmiri Muslims

It said that by reserving two seats for Pandits and one for those who migrated from Azad Jammu and Kashmir after 1947 and providing reservation in educational institutions, jobs, and IIOJK legislature to different communities, the Modi government was making another attempt to disempower Kashmiri Muslims.

It added that obliterating Muslim identity and establishing Hindu civilization in the territory has long been on the agenda of RSS-BJP.

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