India Committing Massacres in IIOJK to Intimidate Kashmiris

Sat Jan 20 2024
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SRINAGAR: Indian military force, paramilitary, and police personnel have committed scores of brutal massacres in India and illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in the last three decades to press the struggle for the right to self-determination of Kashmiris.

According to Kashmir Media Service (KMC), the malicious campaign of mass killing of the innocent people of Kashmir began with the Magarmal Bagh massacre in Srinagar on this day, back in 1990, when Indian forces killed 14 innocent people by resorting to indiscriminate firing. 

To date, hundreds of Kashmiris have been martyred, and their property worth billions of rupees has been destroyed in more than 30 mass killing incidents perpetrated by the troops across the occupied territory since 1989. The massacres of Gaw Kadal Srinagar, Handwara, Sopore, and Kupwara are some of the worst examples of Indian state terrorism and atrocities in occupied Kashmir. 

It is unfortunate that still even a single Indian soldier being involved in these heinous crimes has been brought to justice. 

Tribute to Martyrs of IIOJK

While paying glowing tribute to the martyrs, All Parties Hurriyat Conference leaders Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Farida Bahenji, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Yasmeen Raja, and Khawaja Firdous expressed their resilience and said that the Indian brutalities cannot force the Kashmiris to give up their struggle for freedom. 

They further said that the sacrifices of the martyrs in Kashmir would not go to waste while continuing the mission of freedom till its accomplishment. They demanded an impartial investigation through some international investigative agencies into all massacres in the occupied area to punish the involved Indian troops.

Meanwhile, posters were displayed in different areas of occupied Kashmir, urging the messes to observe India’s Republic Day (26 January) as Black Day to convey the message to the world that India was usurping the basic and democratic rights of the people of Kashmiris for the last seven decades. 

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