India Looking to Stall Arbitration on Ratle, Kishenganga Projects

Sat Jan 28 2023
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: India has started looking to stall the process as arbitration proceedings started in the World Bank over the design of the run-of-river Ratle and Kishenganga hydropower projects – which Pakistan claims could impact the flow of water entering Pakistan in contravention to the Indus Water Treaty between the two neighbouring countries.

The issue of the controversial design of the Ratle and Kishenganga hydropower projects has been raised in the court of arbitration after Pakistan objected to the run-of-river project’s design.

Although India has proposed a review of the Indus Water Treaty; however, it has firmly decided not to allow any revision of the Indus Water Treaty. Pakistan noted that the treaty is a bilateral document and that any changes can come from bilateral talks.

However, Islamabad noted that the proposal to revise the agreement reflects India’s belligerent attitude toward illegitimacy and dishonesty.

Pakistan said the Indus Water Treaty is a time-proven, effective agreement between two sovereign countries.

Water dispute between Pakistan and India

Hence, change in the Indus Water Treaty is possible only with the mutual consent of both countries, and the unilateral change and interpretation of any treaty provision have no significance.

The Indus Water Treaty is a water-sharing deal between India and Pakistan, which was signed in 1960. The agreement allocates the use of six rivers that flow between the two countries.

Under the treaty, India controls the eastern rivers (the Sutlej, Beas, and Ravi) and Pakistan controls the western rivers (the Indus, Chenab, and Jhelum).

However, there have been conflicts over constructing the Ratle and Kishenganga dams.

Pakistan has raised objections over the design of the Kishenganga Hydropower Project, arguing that it would disrupt the flow of water in the Jhelum river. In contrast, India has claimed that the Kishenganga dam is being built on a river tributary and therefore does not violate the treaty.

Similarly, Pakistan has objected to the Ratle dam, arguing that it would reduce water flow in the Chenab river. These disputes have yet to be completely resolved and continue to create tension between the two countries.

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