“India Making Kashmiri Youth Drug Addicts”

Tue Nov 21 2023
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MIRPUR: Former Prime Minister of Azad Jammu Kashmir, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan has strongly condemned the Indian plot to make Kashmiri youth drug addicts as part of an occupation strategy to physically disable the younger generation in the occupied Valley.

Speaking on World Children’s Day observed in Jammu and Kashmir, Khan labeled the scheme as outright condemnable and an anti-human conspiracy aimed at rendering a population disabled.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Khan urged the civilized world and human rights organizations to thwart the alleged conspiracy of drug addiction targeting Kashmiri youth in the Indian-held parts of Jammu and Kashmir. He emphasized the rejection of the presence of Indian occupation machinery by Kashmiris and accused India of distorting the cultural identity of Kashmiris as part of a demographic change move.

As the head of the All Jammu Kashmir Muslim Conference, Khan called on the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to urgently take notice of what he termed an ugly Indian scheming. Stressing that Kashmir is an international dispute and part of the UN’s global responsibility, Khan expressed frustration over the non-materialization of the 1948 Kashmir resolutions of the UN Security Council due to Indian obduracy.

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