India Witnesses Alarming Surge in Unemployment and Unrest During Modi’s Regime

Sun Jun 02 2024
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NEW DELHI: India’s Hindu-nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi is asking for pardon from the entire nation as Indian journalists have presented a ‘Full Report Card’ of his tenure, offering a reflection on the socio-economic and political landscape of the country. Over the past five years, India has witnessed an alarming surge in unemployment, increasing environmental degradation and growing unrest on various fronts as the Modi era has left an indelible mark on the nation.

According to Indian journalists, over the past five years, the Modi administration’s quest for control over democratic institutions has led to unprecedented conflicts such as CBI vs CBI, RBI vs Government, and clashes with the Supreme Court, undermining institutional independence.

In an unprecedented move, four Indian Supreme Court judges held a press conference, warning of threats to democracy. This showed a breakdown in trust between the judiciary and the executive.

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IndiaSpend data highlighted a surge in cow-related violence and mob lynchings in India, underlining growing religious and communal tensions during Modi’s tenure.

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Meanwhile, observers note a surge in intolerance and religious extremism, though lacking concrete data, highlighting societal fractures and polarizations during Modi’s tenure.

According to the National Sample Survey Office’s data, India is grappling with its highest unemployment rate in four and a half decades, painting a grim picture of the job market under Modi’s governance.

Similarly, the World Health Organization’s findings revealed that India now hosts the top ten most polluted cities globally. This underscores the environmental challenges exacerbated during Modi’s tenure.

Meanwhile, India is ranked as the world’s third worst country in environmental protection, as per the Environmental Performance Index 2018, signaling a neglect of environmental conservation efforts.

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According to the Washington Post, the number of Indian soldiers martyred has surged to its highest point in three decades, reflecting heightened tensions and security challenges faced by the nation.

The Credit Suisse Report highlighted that India is currently experiencing its highest income inequality in eighty years, deepening socio-economic disparities across the populace.

The Global Wealth Report identified India as the world’s second most unequal country, amplifying concerns over widening wealth gaps and social inequities.

Meanwhile, a Thomas Reuters survey ranked India as the world’s worst country for women, signaling a concerning regression in gender equality and safety measures.

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Data from the Indian Army revealed that the rate of Kashmiri youth joining militancy has reached a decade-long high. This alarming situation indicates Indian troops’ brutalities against innocent Kashmiris, especially women and children, during Hindu-nationalist Modi’s regime. The data also highlighted escalating tensions in the region under Modi’s administration.

Meanwhile, the Wholesale Price Index data reveals that Indian farmers have suffered the worst price crash in eighteen years, exacerbating agrarian distress and rural livelihood challenges.

Market data showed that the Indian Rupee has become Asia’s worst-performing currency, reflecting economic instability and market uncertainties during the Hindu-nationalist Modi’s regime.

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The passage of the Finance Bill 2017 during Modi’s regime has been criticized for legalizing foreign funding and corruption.

Prime Minister Modi’s tenure has been marked by a notable absence of accountability, with him being the first PM in seventy years to refrain from holding press conferences.

Allegations surrounding the theft of top-secret defense documents from the Defense Ministry office, particularly related to the Rafale deal, have raised questions about national security protocols.

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Personal observations suggest that Indian media has faced its worst period in seventy years, with concerns over censorship, bias, and dwindling press freedoms.

Criticism of the government is increasingly met with accusations of being anti-national, creating a climate of fear and stifling dissent.

Indian journalists stated that these verified facts paint a stark picture of the challenges facing India today. They maintained that the current government under Modi’s leadership has fallen short in addressing critical issues.

An Indian journalist said, “We must not fear. None of what I said in this message is a Jumla. All the data given above is 100% verified FACTS. You can verify them yourself by doing a Google search at any point. This is the reality of what has happened to our India.”

“Do not fear, share this message. Save our Democracy. Save our India,” the journalist reaffirmed.

Moreover, concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and institutions loom large, with many expressing apprehensions that the 2024 elections could mark a tipping point for India’s democracy. The notion that a victory for Modi could lead to unchecked consolidation of power and the potential for authoritarian rule has sparked debate and calls to action among journalists and citizens alike.

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