Indian Backing of Terrorism in Neighbouring Countries Violates UN Charter: International Expert

Sat Jan 27 2024
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BEIJING: Visiting Professor at Southwest University of Political Science Cheng Xizhong and Law said on Saturday that India’s support for terrorism and continuous masterminding and execution of overseas assassinations with terrorist organizations was one of the key reasons for proliferation of global terrorism and its impact on international peace and stability.

Cheng Xizhong further said that the international community has to come forward and condemn India’s acts of state terrorism and prevent New Delhi from using the “proxy war”. Such acts are disrupting the social stability and economic development of neighbouring countries, he remarked.

Prof Cheng noted that after Pakistani Foreign Secretary Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi completely exposed the involvement of Indian agents in two assassinations in Pakistan and India’s years of hiring, supporting and financing terrorists in Pakistan, based on undisputable evidences, at a press conference on January 25, the global media has also conducted extensive coverage, which has aroused strong indignation among people worldwide towards the Indian state terrorism.

Indian Backing of Terrorism

Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary held a detailed press conference on January 25th to unveil India’s involvement in killing of two Pakistanis on the soil of Pakistan with the backing of their agents.

Cheng apprised that the recent Indian “proxy war” and support for terrorism in neighbouring countries seriously trespassing their sovereignty and brazen violation of the charter of the United Nations.

The professor said that terrorism is the common enemy for all and sundry and Beijing firmly opposes double standards on counter-terrorism and stands ready for any cooperation with other nation to counter all forms of terrorism.

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