Indian Troops Martyr Four more Kashmiri Youth in IIOJK

Tue Jul 18 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In yet another tragic incident, Indian security forces have once again unleashed a fresh wave of state terrorism in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), resulting in the martyrdom of four innocent Kashmiri youth.

This reprehensible act of violence has pushed the death toll to six within the span of just 24 hours, according to the state media.

The young Kashmiris were tragically killed during a violent cordon and search operation conducted by Indian troops in the Surankote area of the district. The operation, marred by aggression and an utter disregard for human rights, has only served to deepen the wounds of the Kashmiri people and further escalate tensions in the region.

Indian brutalities a grave concern

The relentless and unwarranted use of force by Indian security forces against the Kashmiri civilian population remains a grave concern for human rights organizations and advocates of justice worldwide. Such acts of state terrorism are in direct violation of international humanitarian law, which clearly stipulates the protection of civilian lives during armed conflicts.

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