India’s Arms Trade with Israel: Implications for Palestine’s Peace

Fri Jun 07 2024
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GAZA: The video footage emerging from Gaza depicting Indian-made weapons being used in Israel’s military operations against Palestinians raises significant concerns about India’s potential complicity in the conflict.

The presence of a “made in India” label on remnants of missiles dropped by Israeli warplanes at a UN shelter in Gaza underscores the need for urgent scrutiny of India’s arms exports to Israel.

Official records revealing India’s Munitions India Ltd (MIL) and Premier Explosives Ltd. (PEL) obtaining permits to export arms and explosives to Israel suggest a troubling pattern. Despite the potential for these items to be used for military purposes, the permits were approved by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) without direct authorization from the Department of Defence Production (DDP).

While these exports may be categorized as “dual-use” items, ostensibly intended for non-military applications, their potential misuse for military purposes cannot be overlooked, particularly in the context of Israel’s ongoing military campaigns and allegations of war crimes.

Indias Arms Trade with Israel Implications for Palestines Peace 1

The lack of stringent oversight and accountability mechanisms in India’s arms export regulatory framework raises questions about the government’s commitment to upholding international humanitarian law and preventing complicity in violations. Despite being a State party to Genocide and the Geneva Conventions, India’s failure to take decisive action to address concerns regarding its arms exports to Israel is deeply troubling.

Furthermore, the reported joint venture between Adani Defence and Aerospace and Israel’s Elbit Systems, which has supplied unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Israel for military use, highlights India’s significant role as a buyer of Israeli arms. Over the last decade, India has emerged as the top buyer of Israeli arms, underscoring the need for greater transparency and accountability in India’s arms trade practices.

As the international community grapples with the implications of India’s arms exports to Israel, it is imperative for the Indian government to uphold its obligations under international law and take concrete steps to ensure that its arms exports do not contribute to violations of human rights and humanitarian law in conflict-affected regions like Palestine.

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