India’s Ideologically Driven Nuke Program More Opaque Than Those of Israel and North Korea: General Zubair

Tue May 28 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Warning of the ramifications of the ideologically driven nuclear program of India,  Former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee retired General Zubair Hayat said on Tuesday India has the fastest growing nuclear program in the world.

“It is the most opaque nuclear program in the world. It is more opaque than the nuclear programs of Israel and North Korea, he was addressing a seminar on Missile Developments in South Asia: Global and Regional Implications, organized by the Institute of Strategic Studies, regretting that this will not come into discourse because it burns certain feathers in certain quarters.

Zubair Hayat said India’s nuclear program is also beneficiary immensely of vertical and horizontal proliferation, adding it is very much an ideologically driven program at the moment.

Voicing concerns over the Akhund Bharat concept being driven forward by the Modi regime, the former General said the killer in South Asia is the ideological concept of Bharat. It is this transition from India to Bharat that has ramifications at regional and global levels.  He said ‘Bharat’ does not have ownership of the Indian constitution but that of RSS and other such organizations which are deeply in love with the ideologies of Nazism of Hitler and Mussolini in Italy. He said India’s strategic weapons are now in this ideological construct and revisionist power what principally now is a Hindu Bomb.

Alluding to the landing of the Indian Brahmos Missile into Pakistani territory on 9th March 2022, the former General rejected the impression that it was a technical malfunction. Any story about technical malfunction is a cock and bull story, he said, referring to the security systems attached to such a system.

Zubair Hayat said the Indian military is also getting saffronized, communalized and politicized.   He said the Akhund Bharat map placed in the new Indian parliament shows the intent of the Indian leadership. Areas that very much belong to the sovereign and legitimate state of Pakistan are shown in that map as part of their conception of Bharat. He said Nepal and Bhutan had also to protest against this blatant display of India’s strategic thought.

Given the mindset of Indian leadership, he said Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint at the global and regional level. He said South Asia is yearning for peace, stability and prosperity, suggesting this will happen if the triangle between dispute resolution, conventional asymmetry and strategic balance is addressed simultaneously.

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