International Museum Day: Iranian Ambassador Condemns Cultural Destruction in Gaza

Sat May 18 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan Reza Amiri Moghadam on Saturday emphasized the importance of museums in society.

In his statement on International Museum Day, established by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) to foster cultural exchange and cooperation among nations, the Iranian Ambassador emphasized the pivotal role of museums as cultural narrators, chronicling the narratives of societies and civilizations.

He invited all to celebrate the invaluable contributions of museums, which serve as custodians of our common human heritage. However, amidst the celebration, Ambassador Moghadam urged a sober reflection on the destructive impact of conflicts, particularly highlighting the desecration of cultural sites and historical symbols in Gaza by the Israeli forces.

He condemned this as yet another dimension of genocide, denouncing the cultural devastation and broader societal decay it represents.

Around the world, May 18 marks the observance of International Museum Day, a celebration highlighting the pivotal role of cultural institutions in education and research.

This year’s theme, “Museums for Education and Research,” emphasized the multifaceted educational experiences provided by museums, advocating for a more conscious, sustainable, and inclusive global community.

Initiated by the International Council of Museums in 1977, International Museum Day recognized the invaluable contributions of museums to society. In Pakistan, numerous museums stand as testaments to various civilizations. Among them, the Lahore Museum, established in 1894, stands out as the oldest and largest museum in the country, boasting a collection of approximately 60,000 artefacts of historical, cultural, and artistic significance.

On a global scale, renowned institutions such as the Louvre Museum in Paris, France; the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia; the National Museum of China in Beijing, China; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, USA, are revered as some of the largest museums in the world.

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