Iran Embassy Taking Special Measures to Facilitate Arbaeen Pilgrims

Fri Jun 28 2024
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ISLAMABAD: As the mourning days of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.) approach and people are preparing to visit the Holy Shrines of Mashhad and Iraq, the embassy of Iran in Pakistan is taking special measures to facilitate pilgrims during Muharram.

A press release issued by the Iranian embassy on Friday said the Iranian Headquarters of Arbaeen, has taken different measures in order to welcome visitors from other countries, especially the friendly and brotherly country of Pakistan.

It said the Iranian Arbaeen Headquarters located in Sistan and Baluchistan province, has provided the basic facilities to welcome visitors at the common borders of Iran and Pakistan. It added the pilgrims of Imam Reza will be able to go on pilgrimage in the month of Muharram.

“Those who are interested in pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines, in the first decade of Muharram from June 27 to July 8, 2024, can travel to Iraq through Iran with a valid double-entry visa,” it said.

The embassy added that those who intend to participate in the Arbaeen Procession from July 9 to August 22, 2024, with a valid Iraqi visa can travel to Iraq through Iran with an Iranian double-entry visa.

It went on to say the Iranian Arbaeen Headquarters, requires Pakistani pilgrims to take an Iraqi visa and then apply for an Iranian visa in the five Iranian missions in the cities of Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and Quetta.

The press release said the visa applicants can apply for an Iranian visa and receive it in any five missions of Iran to Pakistan according to the regulations.

It asked all the caravan owners to move by bus from the departure to Iran and Iraq for the further convenience of the pilgrims.

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