Iranian Parliament Passes Bill on Cooperation with Russia

Mon Dec 11 2023
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TEHRAN: The Iranian parliament has approved a bill to promote cooperation between governments of Iran and Russia in the realm of information security, Iranian state media reported on Sunday.

The Iranian parliament, put a report by the legislative body’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission on agenda of its open session regarding the agreement between Tehran and Moscow.

The Iran-Russia cooperation agreement comprised of an introduction, nine articles and one attachment. The bill also allows the exchange of documents between the two countries.

The lawmakers approved the generalities and details of the bill by 180 votes.

Lawmakers deemed it inevitable to further enhanced ties between Iran and Russia as the two countries have already signed a 20-year comprehensive deal to expand cooperation in different fields.

Agreement to help combat cyber threats

Abolfazl Amouee, the spokesman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said that the information security agreement provides methods to combat cyber threats faced by Iran and Russia.

Previous agreements between the two countries have spanned cultural, transit, goods, and other sectors, with a call for diversification into information security cooperation.

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Another MP, addressing concerns about potential changes to the bill, stressed that information security covers economic, general security and social aspects, hoping that the bill would contribute to economic, political, social, and informational development.

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