ISI’s Remarkable and Matchless Success

Sat May 27 2023
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Naveed Miraj

ISLAMABAD: When it comes to capability, precision, and professionalism, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has no equal. It is rightfully compared to well-equipped intelligence agencies such as the CIA of the US. This statement is not an exaggeration but a testament to the ISI’s proven prowess in effectively defending national interests and thwarting enemy designs.

The recent arrest of Gulzar Imam Shambay, the founder of the banned Baloch National Army, showcases the ISI’s capabilities and vigilance in addressing security challenges. This meticulously planned and flawlessly executed operation, spanning several months and locations, deals a significant blow to separatist and terrorist outfits in Balochistan. It will undoubtedly contribute to restoring peace and stability in this strategically important province.

No words can adequately commend the ISI for this recent success, and the people of Pakistan will forever be grateful for its services. It is expected that the ISI will continue to achieve further successes and keep the enemy on edge.

The intelligence-based operations in Balochistan have been witnessing increased success due to the support of the public and security forces. The combination of operations and reconciliation will pave the way for peace and prosperity in the province.



During a press conference in Quetta, Gulzar Imam Shambay expressed remorse over taking up arms and acknowledged that the fight for Balochistan’s rights can only be pursued through constitutional and political means.

While those who refuse to surrender arms and show no remorse must be dealt with forcefully, the state should also demonstrate magnanimity and show compassion towards those who repent for their past actions. Welcoming the realization of the futility of militant efforts is crucial. Reconciliation and integration into society will contribute to the development of Balochistan and the entire country.

Considering Gulzar Imam’s apology sympathetically, given his support for an independent Balochistan, would supplement the ISI’s efforts in ensuring peace in the province, which would truly be a game-changer. Exploiting the true potential of this resource-rich province can only be achieved through peace.

The government demonstrates its intent to create an environment of reconciliation in the province. It is also important for dissident elements to abandon activities driven by hostile powers. Baloch individuals are encouraged to stand up against those who seek to harm their well-being.

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