Islamabad Accountability Court Confirms Nawaz’s Bail in Toshakhana Case

Tue Oct 24 2023
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ISLAMABAD: An Islamabad accountability court headed by Judge Muhammad Bashir today (Tuesday) confirmed PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif’s bail in the Toshakhana case.

After that, the PML-N supremo also appeared before the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for protective bail in the Al-Azizia and Avenfield references, in which he had been convicted. His appeal for the restoration of his appeals against his conviction is also expected to be heard today.

The accountability court had suspended the perpetual arrest warrants issued in 2020 for Nawaz Sharif in the Toshakhana case, on October 19.

In June 2020, an accountability court had issued non-bailable arrest warrants for the former prime minister.

On Sept 10, 2020, he was declared a proclaimed offender in the case, with an accountability court initiating the process to confiscate his properties and directing the National Accountability Bureau to make his arrest through Interpol.

PML-N leaders Shehbaz Sharif, Khawaja Asif, Ayaz Sadiq, Ahsan Iqbal and Saad Rafique were also present on the occasion.

At the outset of the hearing, the court asked Nawaz to mark attendance. When the hearing resumed, the NAB prosecutor contended that Nawaz had surrendered, therefore, his arrest warrants should be cancelled. “If the warrants are cancelled then the trial can move forward,” he added.

The court subsequently confirmed Nawaz’s bail in the case against surety bonds of Rs1 million and adjourned the hearing till November 20.

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