Islamic State Group Claims Russia Concert Hall Attack

Sat Mar 23 2024
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BEIRUT, Lebanon: The Islamic State (IS) group has claimed responsibility for the deadly gun attack on Moscow concert hall Friday, which Russian authorities said killed at least 40 and injured more than 100 people.

IS fighters “attacked a large gathering… on the outskirts of the Russian capital Moscow”, the group said in a statement on Telegram.

Following the attack, the European Union said that it had been “shocked and appalled” by the attack.

The EU “is shocked and appalled by the reports of a terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow,” a spokesman for the bloc said. “The EU condemns any attacks against civilians. Our thoughts are with all those Russian citizens affected.”

France also condemned as “odious” the attack by the gunmen that left dozens dead and over 100 injured. It also demanded a full investigation into the incident.

“The images from Moscow tonight are horrifying. Our thoughts go to the victims and to those injured as well as to the Russian people,” the French foreign ministry wrote on X. “All effort has to be made to determine the cause of these odious acts,” it added.

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