Israel Carries Airstrikes in Gaza, Hitting Hamas Sites

Fri Jan 27 2023
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: Israeli forces said on Friday that it carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip hitting Hamas sites after rockets from the area were intercepted.

The incident occurred after a counter-terrorism raid by Israeli troops in the city of Jenin, West Bank resulted in 9 deaths.

According to Israel Defense Forces, its air defense system had intercepted 2 rockets fired from the enclave.

Air-raid sirens were heard in southern Israel, however, there were no immediate reports of human loss.

15 strikes hit Hamas sites

There were fifteen airstrikes on Hamas sites from the Israeli forces, Western media reported.

The IDF stated that its airstrikes hit sites linked to Hamas, the main group in Gaza. Hamas has been declared as a terrorist group by the US, Germany, EU, and some Arab countries.

On Thursday, Israel Defense Forces carried out an operation in a refugee camp in Jenin to arrest members of the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad. The Israeli army accused it of planning an attack.

According to the statement, PIJ members opened fire on Israeli troops and were killed in an exchange of fire.

Jenin city is considered a hub of Palestinian fighters.

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