Disastrous Mix: Israeli Air Force Veterans Say Netanyahu-led Govt Dangerous

Tue Dec 27 2022
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD/ JERUSALEM: Over 1,000 Israeli air force veterans, including the former Israeli chief of military staff, urged the country’s top legal officials to stand tough against the incoming government led by Netanyahu.

In a letter to the Israeli Supreme Court chief and other top government officials, they said the alliance of religious and ultranationalist parties threatens Israel’s future. The letter has been delivered just two days before the new government is to assume office.

Veterans’ letter

According to the Associated Press, the letter said that “we have come from all strata of society and from across the political spectrum. What we are in common today is the fear that the democratic state of Israel is in danger.”

Former military chief Dan Halutz, former commander of the air force Avihu Ben-Nun and former head of military intelligence Amos Yadlin are among the 1,200 signatories.

It called the officials “the final line of defence” and implored them to “do everything in your reach to stop the disaster affecting the country.”

Netanyahu and his ultra-orthodox and far-right partners won a majority in the parliamentary in November 1 elections.

While they have not yet completed the coalition negotiations, Netanyahu reached a series of deals that would grant him powers over the national police force and the settlement construction in the occupied West Bank.

They have promoted legislation to allow a politician who spent time in prison in the bribery case to serve as Cabinet minister while on probation for a separate conviction on a tax offense. They have also are expected to promote a series of changes in the legal system that critics say will weaken the judiciary and potentially dismiss criminal charges against Netanyahu.

Netanyahu is expected to return the office as head of his new government on Thursday.

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