Israel’s Attacks on Civilians in Gaza Amount to ‘Extermination’: UN

Thu Jun 20 2024
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UNITED NATIONS: The UN human rights office has said the Israeli military have committed multiple war crimes and has made minimal efforts to protect civilians in its war targeting Palestinians in Gaza.

In a separate session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the head of a UN Commission of Inquiry indicated that the scale of Palestinian civilian casualties amounted to “extermination.” Navi Pillay, a former South African judge, stated that the use of weapons with large destructive capacities in densely populated areas “constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population,” and those responsible should be held accountable.

The UN report, focusing on six attacks that resulted in mass casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure, indicated that Israeli forces “may have systematically violated” the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution. The report noted that no prior warning was issued in five of the attacks, emphasizing that international humanitarian law mandates the protection of civilians as a priority.

“The requirement to select means and methods of warfare that avoid or minimize civilian harm appears to have been consistently violated in Israel’s bombing campaign,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

Israels Attacks on Civilians in Gaza Amounts to Extermination UN 1

The report is based on investigations by the UN human rights office, OHCHR, into six attacks described as “emblematic” of Israeli tactics in the over eight-month conflict. These attacks involved the suspected use of bombs weighing up to 2,000 lbs (920kg) on residential buildings, a school, refugee camps, and a market.

These weapons, measuring approximately 12 feet (3.4 meters) along with smaller versions, were deployed from October 9 to December 2, 2023, resulting in 218 confirmed deaths. The OHCHR noted that the actual number of fatalities is likely much higher.

The report cited an Israeli Defense Forces update on November 11, 2023, stating that the Air Force had “struck over 5,000 targets to eliminate threats in real-time” since the bombing of Gaza began a month earlier. By that time, Gazan health authorities had documented the deaths of 11,078 Palestinians, with another 2,700 missing and approximately 27,490 injured.

Detailing strikes on the Ash Shuja neighborhood in Gaza City, the report’s authors noted that the span of destruction measured approximately 130 meters across, destroying 15 buildings. The extent of the damage indicated the use of approximately nine 2,000 lb GBU-31 bombs that killed at least 60 civilians.

“Israel’s methods and means of conducting hostilities in Gaza since October 7, including the extensive use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects in densely populated areas, have failed to effectively distinguish between civilians and fighters,” the OHCHR report alleged.

“Civilian lives and infrastructure are protected under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). This law clearly obligates parties to armed conflicts to prioritize the protection of civilians.”

Meanwhile, in Gaza, people today are forced to shelter amid “unimaginable” destruction, said Ajith Sunghay, Head of the OHCHR Office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Speaking to journalists via video link from Amman after an assessment mission in multiple locations across the enclave, Sunghay described how Gazans are “barely surviving” after being repeatedly displaced by violence and IDF evacuation orders.

“The hospitals are packed to overflowing and the smell is unbearable…sewage is spilling into tents, there is no clean water…If the bombs don’t kill, disease will,” Sunghay said, after visiting Khan Younis, Rafah, and Deir-Al-Balah.

Israels Attacks on Civilians in Gaza Amounts to Extermination UN 2

“The sounds of bombs, guns, and drones are constant,” he added. “The sound of war is non-stop day and night. In my 22 years of work at the U.N., including in many conflict and post-conflict situations, I’ve never seen such challenges for the U.N. and human rights and humanitarian aid partners to operate. The destruction is unimaginable.”

The landscape of Khan Younis is now “changed,” Sunghay continued. “It’s full of completely and partially destroyed buildings, infrastructure. People I met told me how they have moved 10 times…they’re barely surviving.”

The report focuses on Israel but also notes that Palestinian armed groups have continued to fire projectiles toward Israel.

OHCHR spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani echoed those concerns while warning that Israel’s military commanders do not appear to have changed their tactics in Gaza to spare civilians, in line with the laws of war. Shamdasani referenced statements from high-level Israeli officials, including an Israeli military member quoted earlier in the conflict as saying: “You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

“We have seen a continued pattern of such attacks,” Shamdasani continued. “The types of weapons used, the means and manner in which they were used, coupled with statements from Israeli officials, raise serious concerns about compliance with international humanitarian law.”

Shamdasani insisted on the need for independent investigations into the attacks covered by the report to determine whether they constitute war crimes and to hold perpetrators accountable.

“As time passes, it becomes much more difficult to carry out these investigations,” she said. “We call first on the Israeli authorities to take steps to ensure that proper, transparent investigations are held. In the absence of this—and if there is continued impunity—there is a need for international action in this regard as well.”

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