ISSI Hosts Art Competition in Solidarity with Gaza Children

Fri Feb 23 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) on Thursday organized an art competition for children aged 8-12 years, to pay homage to the resilience and courage shown by the people of Gaza, particularly its children in war against Israel.

According to a press release by the ISSI, the Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at ISSI hosted the competition titled ‘Expressing Solidarity with the Children of Gaza.’

Ahmed Rabaei, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Pakistan was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The ambassador in his remarks thanked on behalf of the State of Palestine the people of Pakistan for their profound support and solidarity in testing times.

Gaza, ISSI, Palestine, Israel, UN Secretary General, International Court of Justice, Zionist regime,

He praised the effort of the participating students, who shared their heartfelt sentiments in support of the Palestinian people.

He reiterated the concerns of UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, who warned that there may be no life in Gaza. He went on to say that 70 percent of the victims in Gaza were children and women.

He, further said, more than 20,000 buildings in Gaza had been destroyed by Israel’s occupation forces adding that the people in the south of Gaza, more than 1.4 million, are taking refuge in the small congested area.

Ambassador Rabaei went on to say that, Israel was attacking Gaza continuously. He added that he felt at home, in Pakistan. He said that the support Pakistani people towards the Palestinian shows that they are not alone in facing the challenges.

Human suffering in Gaza highlighted

Director General ISSI Ambassador Sohail Mahmood, in his remarks highlighted the human sufferings in Gaza as a result of relentless Israeli bombardment and especially the devastating impact on the children of Gaza.

He said that over 12,600 children had been killed by Israel while those who survived are traumatized, displaced, homeless, and facing shortage of food and safe drinking water.

He said thousands had lost body limbs and would be forced to live the lives of disability and dependence. He lauded the courage and resilience of the people of Gaza, who remained steadfast against the unspeakable atrocities and continued to fight for their freedom from illegal occupation.

Gaza, ISSI, Palestine, Israel, UN Secretary General, International Court of Justice, Zionist regime,

Ambassador Sohail regretted that the latest Security Council attempt to effect a ceasefire had been failed by another veto. He lauded South Africa’s approach to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for proceedings against Israel for violation of its obligations under the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Amina Khan, Director CAMEA, ISSI, said that the recent events in Gaza and the West Bank have seen an unprecedented level of brutality from the Israeli occupation forces.

She further said that the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza has robbed the children of Palestine of their childhood and denied them basic rights that every child deserves.

Gaza, ISSI, Palestine, Israel, UN Secretary General, International Court of Justice, Zionist regime, Gaza, ISSI, Palestine, Israel, UN Secretary General, International Court of Justice, Zionist regime,


She said that while South Africa has given us some hope by filing a law suit against Israel at the International Court of Justice for committing acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

She concluded by saying that let us pledge to be champions for the children of Gaza, who have shown remarkable determination, resilience and strength to face unprecedented brutality.

Blatant atrocities in Gaza

Brian Witbooi, Counsellor at the South African High Commission in Islamabad, expressing his views said that that the atrocities are blatant and bold and for the entire world to see.

He added that journalists have run out of adjectives to describe the onslaught and the horror that we see every day on our television screens, on our mobiles, on social media and the mainstream media.


He noted the atrocities are well documented and Israel and the West want to start the narrative from October 7, 2023 but we know that what we see today is a culmination of what started 75 years ago with the creation of the state of Israel.

He said 75 years of the robbing of the land of Palestinians, 75 years of their deprivation of their human rights, 75 years of dehumanization, and 75 years under the throngs of an apartheid Zionist regime.

The event ended with a prize distribution ceremony, where students who won prizes were given trophies and certificates as a token of acknowledgement.

Later, the participants witnessed the display of paintings and poetry, which was opened by chief guest Ambassador Ahmed Rabaei.

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