Japan Keen to Develop Trade Relations with Pakistan: Ambassador

Thu Sep 21 2023
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SIALKOT: Japan’s Ambassador to Pakistan Mitsuhiro Wada on Thursday said that his country is keen to boost economic relations and enhance trade volume with Pakistan.

Addressing a meeting of Sialkot exporters held at Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Japanese envoy stressed the need for making all-out sincere efforts to strengthen mutual trade relations between Pakistan and Japan.

He said that Sialkot is famous for its production of soccer balls and other products.

He said that Pakistan and Japan had been supportive to each other and last year the two nations celebrated the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The diplomat further said that the potential of Pakistan’s economy was huge and Kapan was interested in finding more opportunities.

80 Japanese companies in Pakistan

He said that eighty Japanese companies were doing business in Pakistan and eighty thousand workers were working in these companies here. He said there were so many international competitive companies working in Sialkot.

The envoy said that his visit would promote new ways of cooperation between the two nations. He also showed keen interest in SCCI’s documentary “Sialkot, the City of Progressive People”, which was screened during this meeting.

Abdul Ghafoor Malik, SCCI President, said that today’s visit of the envoy was also significant as it was the first trip of a Japanese diplomat to the Sialkot Chamber after 2016.

He said that Pakistan and Japan enjoyed a special bond of friendship starting from the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1952.

Malik said that Sialkot, the export industrial excellence of the country, was playing a vital role in the economic uplift of Pakistan through its industrial produce that is exported to all parts of the world.

He added that top cricket and hockey brands hail from Sialkot and the city manufactures sports goods, textile apparel, surgical instruments, and leather goods for top brands of the world. The city could be termed the “House of Brands” and is open to trade with the top in business.

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