Japan Scrambles Fighter Jet After Chinese Military Drone Spotted Near Taiwan

Mon Aug 28 2023
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TOKYO: Japan’s defense ministry stated on Monday that it had scrambled a fighter jet to track a Chinese BZK-005 military drone detected flying in the vicinity of Japan’s Yonaguni island and Taiwan earlier in the day.

The surveillance drone, believed to belong to China, originated from the East China Sea north of Taiwan and traversed the Bashi Channel, which separates Taiwan’s southern coast and the Philippines, according to statements from the Japanese defense ministry.

This incident comes on the heels of another recent event involving Chinese aircraft. Last week, Japan also dispatched its Air Self-Defense Force fighters to intercept Chinese bombers flying close to Japan’s Okinawa island, which houses a significant US military base. Additionally, Japanese authorities responded to sightings of drones near Taiwan, a region with political sensitivities due to its status as a self-governed territory.

Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida expressed strong criticism towards Beijing on Monday regarding reported instances of vandalism directed at diplomatic missions and schools affiliated with Japan in China. This behavior followed the release of treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean.

Tensions Between China and Japan

China’s decision to prohibit seafood imports from Japan after the wastewater discharge has led to heightened tensions between the two nations. Japan’s actions have been endorsed by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog and the Japanese government as safe and scientifically sound.

The ongoing tensions have prompted a series of prank calls to Japanese businesses, ranging from bakeries to aquariums, originating from Chinese phone numbers. In response, Prime Minister Kishida stated, “There have been numerous harassment calls believed to originate from China and instances of stones being thrown into the Japanese embassy and Japanese schools. It must be said these are regrettable.”

Japan has taken measures to bolster security at its diplomatic missions and schools within China. Additionally, Japanese nationals residing in China have been advised to maintain a low profile and avoid speaking Japanese loudly in public.

During a meeting with the Chinese ambassador to Japan, Deputy Foreign Minister Masataka Okano urged China to disseminate accurate information supported by scientific evidence rather than contributing to unnecessary concerns.

Japan’s recent release of Fukushima wastewater has drawn international attention and discussions about its environmental impact. The plant operator, TEPCO, assured that all radioactive elements, except for tritium, have been removed from the discharged water, and tritium levels are within safe limits, which have been confirmed by Japanese authorities.


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