Jordan King Presses US Top Diplomat on Gaza Truce

Sun Jan 07 2024
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AMMAN: Jordan’s King Abdullah II asked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday to push for a truce in Gaza and an end to the humanitarian catastrophe brought by three months of war, the royal palace stated.  He made the remarks to Blinken, who is on a Middle East visit aiming to ensure the Hamas-Israel war does not spread to the region.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Sunday with Jordan’s King and foreign minister and visited a World Food Program storeroom in Amman as he pressed ahead with an immediate Middle East diplomatic mission to stop Israel’s war in Gaza from spreading.

During his talks with Blinken, Jordanian Ayman Safadi, minister of foreign affairs discussed the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and the need for an immediate stop to the aggression to ensure the protection of civilian population.

Blinken, Jordan Leadership Discuss Situation in Gaza

He also stressed the need to remove hindrances placed by Israel to prevent the access of adequate and sustained humanitarian and medical help to all parts of Gaza.

Blinken, Jordan Leadership Discuss Situation in Gaza

He also reaffirmed Jordan’s stance in rejecting the displacement of Palestinian people inside or outside their land, denouncing it as a war crime and a dangerous escalation of the war.

On his fourth trip to the region in three months, the US top diplomat stressed the need for Israel to adjust its military offensive to decrease civilian casualties and significantly boost the amount of humanitarian help reaching the Gaza Strip.

Jordan and other regional countries have been highly critical of Israel’s acts in the Gaza Strip. They have been demanding an urgent truce since mid-October as civilian casualties started to skyrocket. Israel has declined and Washington has instead called for specified temporary “humanitarian pauses” to permit aid to get in and people to get to safety.

The US Secretary of State visited the World Food Program’s Regional Coordination warehouse in the Amman where trucks are being packed with aid and assistance to be delivered to the Gaza Strip through both Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings.


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