Kashmir Dispute Settlement ‘Indispensable’ for South Asia Peace: holds OIC

Thu Sep 21 2023
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UNITED NATIONS: The OIC Contact Group on Kashmir, convening on Wednesday, once again affirmed its unwavering support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people in their pursuit of the right to self-determination.

The group emphasized that resolving the Kashmir dispute in line with UN resolutions is essential for securing lasting peace in South Asia. This significant meeting, attended by Foreign Ministers and senior officials from Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, and Niger, was presided over by the Secretary-General of the OIC, Hissein Brahim Taha.

To commence proceedings, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Jalil Abbas Jilani, briefed the Contact Group on the dire situation prevailing in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K). He underscored that New Delhi’s ongoing repressive actions in the disputed region have exacerbated the already grave humanitarian conditions its inhabitants face.

Jilani stressed, “The current Indian leadership remains committed to maintaining India’s occupation of Jammu & Kashmir,” adding that Indian authorities are ruthlessly suppressing the Kashmiri people’s pursuit of their fundamental rights, particularly their right to self-determination, as outlined in pertinent UN and OIC Resolutions.

The joint communique issued by the OIC Contact Group on Kashmir contains several key points: First, it calls for reversing all illegal and unilateral actions taken after August 5, 2019. Second, it strongly emphasizes stopping widespread human rights abuses in the IIOJK.

Third, there is a demand to halt and undo any illegal changes in the region’s demographics. Fourth, the communique appeals for unrestricted access to the IIOJK for UN Special procedures, international media, and independent observers. Finally, it urges concrete and meaningful steps to implement UN Security Council resolutions regarding Jammu and Kashmir fully.

The communique expressed deep concern regarding statements made by Indian political leaders and senior military officers, indicating their readiness to launch attacks on Azad Jammu, Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan. Such views were deemed a severe threat to regional peace and stability and were noted as violations of the principles and purposes of the UN Charter.

In addition to the earlier points, the communique expressed concern about the seizure of the office of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC) in Srinagar and strongly condemned the ongoing campaign to take away properties from Kashmiri activists.

It also denounced India’s renewed request for the death penalty for Yaseen Malik, a prominent Kashmiri leader already serving a life sentence, and urged the Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir to take appropriate actions against this potential death penalty.

The communique reiterated the call for the international community to hold India accountable for severe human rights violations by Indian forces in the IIOJK.

Furthermore, it expressed deep concern about ongoing restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms, like freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, in IIOJK. Lastly, it rejected the legitimacy of the G-20 Tourism Working Group Meeting held in Srinagar in May 2023, which aimed to legitimize.

India’s presence in IIOJK. It also praised the countries that distanced themselves from the event. The communique also condemned the campaign to seize the properties of Kashmiri activists as a punitive measure for their political views. —APP

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