Kashmir, Palestine Glaring Examples of Developed World’s Indifference

Wed Sep 27 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In a recent address at the 12th Conference of Culture Ministers of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held in Doha, Jamal Shah, Pakistan’s Caretaker Minister for National Heritage and Culture, underscored the critical need to shed light on the ruthless exploitation experienced by Kashmir and Palestine at the hands of the developed world. Shah emphasized the importance of promoting the arts and crafts of Kashmiri and Palestinian artists as a gesture of solidarity with their respective struggles.

Shah urged ICESCO to create specific platforms and opportunities for tradition-bearers, craftsmen, musicians, writers, and filmmakers from Kashmir and Palestine, allowing them to showcase their creative works alongside those of artists from other Islamic nations. The idea behind this initiative is to offer a platform for these artists to gain recognition and support within the broader Islamic community.

One of the key proposals put forth by the Minister was the establishment of a cultural Caravan of Tradition-bearers, comprising representatives from all member states, embarking on a tour across these nations. This caravan would act as a mobile cultural exhibition, enabling artists to present their works and traditions, fostering understanding and appreciation among the member states.

Furthermore, Jamal Shah recommended the creation of Islamic Cultural Monuments in the capitals of each member state. These monuments would serve as symbolic landmarks showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the Islamic world, providing a space for artistic and cultural exchange.

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