Kashmiri Delegation Protests Outside UN Office Against Human Rights Abuses in IIOJK

Thu Jun 27 2024
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GENEVA: A Kashmiri delegation staged a protest outside the UN office in Geneva on Thursday to highlight the systematic human rights violations by Indian forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The protest demonstration was organized with the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Inhumane, and Degrading Treatment.

Led by Altaf Hussain Wani, the protest included prominent figures such as Sardar Amjad Yousaf, APHC General Secretary Parveez Ahmed Shah, Shamim Shawal, Dr. Waleed Rasool, Ms. Gazala Habib, and Ms. Haiqa. Their aim was to highlight the severe torture and abuses endured by Kashmiris under Indian administration.

Speakers at the protest condemned the Indian government’s use of torture to suppress Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination. They cited incidents of physical abuse, electric shocks, and forced ingestion of dirt and contaminated water in military-run torture centers.

The delegation underscored the worsening political and human rights situation, urging immediate UN intervention to halt the violence and bloodshed in the region. They called on the UN to pressure India to compensate victims, release political prisoners, and dispatch a fact-finding mission to investigate cases of torture.

Furthermore, they emphasized the UN’s role in holding India accountable for crimes against Kashmiris and urged the repeal of repressive laws that suppress political dissent.

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