Kashmiri Delegation Raises Human Rights Concerns at UN

Wed Jun 26 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The delegation representing Kashmir appeared before the United Nations Human Rights Council to address alleged injustices within the judicial system of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Advocate Parvez Shah and Dr. Waleed Rasool met with Miss K Pormica, a representative of the International Association for Human Rights Advocacy (IAHRA), in Geneva.

During the meeting, the delegation highlighted what they described as a prejudiced judicial system deliberately causing delays in cases involving detainees. They claimed that the system grants unnecessary adjournments to the government, purportedly to weaken the resolve of detainees facing charges they termed as concocted.

The delegation further asserted that under-trial prisoners often do not appear in court on scheduled dates, severely limiting their access to legal representation and contact with their families. They emphasized the challenges faced by lawyers attempting to represent clients tried in special courts outside their native state, where free legal aid is reportedly unavailable.

Additionally, concerns were raised about the conditions in Indian jails where Kashmiri prisoners are allegedly deprived of basic facilities mandated by jail manuals and international law.

The delegation also accused the Indian government of coercing detainees to sign bonds prohibiting them from advocating for self-determination upon release, a right they claim is guaranteed under United Nations resolutions.

Miss K Pormica of IAHRA expressed deep concern over the reported flaws in the legal system of Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir. She pledged to bring attention to these issues in future international forums, promising to advocate for the plight of Kashmiri prisoners.

The meeting concluded with a commitment from both parties to continue addressing these human rights concerns on a global platform.

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