Kashmiri Diaspora in Brussels Pays Rich Tributes to Martyred Leaders

Sun Feb 11 2024
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BRUSSELS: The Kashmiri participants of a gathering in Brussels have paid glowing tributes to the great Kashmiri martyrs Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Guru for the supreme sacrifices of their lives for the liberation of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The event was arranged by Kashmir Council Europe at its central secretariat in connection with the martyrdom anniversaries of the two martyrs.

Besides the Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed, other notable Kashmiris Khalid Joshi, Sardar Mahmood Qabal, Sardar Sadiq, Dr. Manzoor Zahoor, Rao Mustajab, Imran Saqib, Hafiz Aneeb Rashid, Sardar Zaheer Zahid, Shiraz Raj, Faisal Rizvi, Nadeem Butt, Zahidshah, Chaudhry Nasir, Shazia Aslam, Raja Abdaqayyum, and Meher Nadeem were also among the participants of the gathering.

Kashmiris Observe Martyrdom Anniversary

Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC) and across the world observe the martyrdom anniversary of renowned Kashmiri figure Muhammad Afzal Guru on February 9 every year. He was hanged and buried at New Delhi’s Tehar prison by the Indian authorities on February 9, 2013.

Muhammad Maqbool Butt, the prominent Kashmiri liberation leader, was also hanged and buried in Tihar Jail on February 11, 1984, for his leading role in IIOJK’s liberation struggle.


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