Kashmiri Widows Continue to Suffer Amid Indian Occupation

Mon Jun 24 2024
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ISLAMABAD: As the world observes International Widows Day on Monday, Kashmiri women continue to face severe hardships under Indian occupation in Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service highlights the ongoing suffering inflicted by Indian troops, paramilitary forces, police, and dreaded agencies in the region.

The report reveals that since January 1989, relentless Indian state terrorism has resulted in the widowhood of 22,976 women, as their husbands were martyred by Indian troops and police personnel in fake encounters and in custody. Furthermore, approximately 2,500 women have been forced to live as “half widows” over the past 36 years.

These “half widows” are women whose husbands were subjected to custodial disappearance after being arrested by the Indian army and police. This indefinite uncertainty has led to severe mental stress, and many of these women have succumbed to mental tension and related health issues.

The report underscores the dire human rights situation in IIOJK, where the ongoing conflict has created a humanitarian crisis for the women left behind. These widows and half widows face immense emotional and financial challenges, struggling to survive and provide for their families amid the violence and instability.

The international community’s attention on International Widows Day serves as a reminder of the plight of Kashmiri women and the urgent need for intervention to address the human rights abuses in the region. The report calls for global awareness and action to support these women and to pressure the Indian government to end its oppressive tactics in IIOJK.

The Kashmir Media Service report sheds light on the tragic consequences of the conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly for women who have lost their spouses. The observance of International Widows Day brings their struggles to the forefront, emphasizing the need for justice and peace in the region.

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