Kashmiris Demand UN Resolution Implementation for Self-Determination: Dr. Fai

Sat Aug 12 2023
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WASHINGTON: Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, the Secretary General of the World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF), has maintained that the Kashmiri people’s demand for the implementation of the UN resolution adopted on August 13, 1948, which recognizes their right to self-determination.

In a statement issued from Washington, Dr. Fai highlighted that Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, as well as globally, will observe the 75th anniversary of the UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolution of August 13, 1948, which remains unimplemented.

The resolution underlines that “the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan reiterate their wish that the state of Jammu and Kashmir’s future status shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people.”

Dr. Fai noted that despite controversial aspects between India and Pakistan in the resolution, both sides agreed on the proposal of the plebiscite.

UN Resolution Calls for Self-determination

He referred to statements made by Ambassador Fernand van Langenhove of Belgium, President of the Security Council, on January 28, 1948, indicating agreement on an impartially conducted plebiscite under the United Nations’ supervision.

Dr. Fai reminded that historically, the US, UK, and France have supported the plebiscite agreement as a key to the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. He further went on to say that these nations sponsored Security Council resolutions advocating a plebiscite. He mentioned that US President Harry Truman and UK Prime Minister Clement Atlee even appealed for arbitration on demilitarization through Admiral Chester Nimitz, a prominent American war hero.

Dr. Fai underscored the need for the international community’s attention to the situation, noting India’s unchecked impunity despite the unresolved Kashmir issue. He emphasized that Kashmir’s opposition to Indian occupation has been genuine, comparable to the resistance shown in Eastern Europe under Soviet influence.

The statement also highlighted the challenges faced by media in Kashmir, with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) expressing concerns about its near-extinction.

Today, Dr. Fai noted, the Kashmir conflict remains a core factor in the nuclear standoff between India and Pakistan. He urged the Biden Administration to lead efforts for a just and lasting resolution, in line with democratic principles and human rights commitments.

By pursuing this path, the US could contribute to a just global order, earn gratitude from generations in Kashmir, Pakistan, and even India, Dr. Fai concluded.


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