Kashmiris Pray for Stronger Pakistan as Their Real Ambassador

Tue Sep 05 2023
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SRINAGAR: In a recent statement issued in Srinagar, Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar, the Vice Chairman of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), extended warm greetings to Pakistan on its Defence Day.

He used this occasion to pay heartfelt tributes to the courageous heroes of the 1965 war, who valiantly sacrificed their lives to defend their motherland and thwart the malevolent intentions of the enemy. Gulzar described September 6th, Pakistan’s Defense Day, as a day synonymous with bravery and heroism.

On this memorable day, the Pakistani nation stood united as an unwavering fortress, ready to face the enemy’s onslaught, which had chosen the cloak of darkness to pursue its sinister goals, Gulzar remarked.

He emphasized that a strong and prosperous Pakistan not only plays a pivotal role in ensuring peace within the region but also ensures the success of the legitimate freedom movement of the Kashmiri people. Gulzar stressed that the Kashmir issue remains the primary obstacle to regional peace and will continue to be an unfulfilled dream until it is resolved in accordance with UN resolutions and the genuine aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Highlighting the concerns of the region, Gulzar expressed that India’s hegemonic and expansionary ambitions pose a genuine threat to global and South Asian peace. He underlined that the Indian leadership’s exercise of power has not only jeopardized regional stability but has also initiated an arms race in the area. Gulzar asserted that the war hysteria exhibited by Indian leaders constitutes a grave threat to its neighbours, particularly Pakistan.

In discussing the root causes of enmity between India and Pakistan, Gulzar emphasized that the Kashmir issue has been a longstanding source of contention. Pakistan has consistently lent its unwavering support to the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for self-determination. It has emerged as a dedicated advocate for the Kashmiri cause on international and regional platforms. “India has initiated numerous conflicts with Pakistan as a punitive measure for its support of the Kashmiri cause, and it is actively sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan to destabilize the nation,” Gulzar remarked. Nevertheless, despite these conspiracies, Pakistan stands resolutely alongside Kashmiris in their pursuit of justice.

Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar underscored Pakistan as the primary hope for Kashmiris and extended his gratitude to Pakistan for its steadfast support. He expressed hope that Pakistan would intensify its diplomatic efforts for the resolution of the Kashmir issue. Gulzar acknowledged that India has declared an all-out war against the Kashmiri people, deploying over a million troops to suppress their calls for freedom, yet has failed in subduing the unarmed Kashmiri populace.

The APHC Vice Chairman firmly believes that meaningful and result-oriented dialogue can serve as the path to resolving disputes and ushering in peace, which is indispensable for the well-being of the South Asian populace. Further escalation, he cautioned, would only lead to increased poverty, an arms race, and ultimately catastrophe in the region. Gulzar advocated for the implementation of UN resolutions on Kashmir as the most viable solution to the dispute. He also called upon the United Nations to take concrete steps to uphold its resolutions on Kashmir and restore its tarnished credibility and honour.

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