“Kashmiris to Never Accept Aug 5 Illegal Actions of Indian Govt”

Sat Jul 15 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Prof Saifuddin Soz, a senior leader of the Indian National Congress in Indian Illegally-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) said on Saturday that the Kashmiris would never ever accept the illegal and unconstitutional actions of August 5, 2019 of the Narendra Modi-led Indian government.

Kashmir media service (KMS) quoted Prof Soz as having said that the Kashmiri people have made it clear that the ordinance issued by the Indian government on August 5, 2019 repealing the special status of the valley, was illegal and unconstitutional.

“The order will never ever be acceptable to Kashmiris,” he added.

Prof Soz rejected the restoration of Statehood as the main demand put by people of the occupied territory.

“A group of so-called Kashmiri politicians has now come into the open by suggesting the restoration of the statehood as their main demand,” he said and added, “This is not the main demand; that is why some people have moved India’s top court against the Indian government’s Ordinance issued on August 5, 2019”. —APP


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