Kashmiris to Observe Black Day on October 27 Against Indian Occupation

Wed Oct 25 2023
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MIRPUR: People in Jammu and Kashmir, on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC) and across the world, will observe a Black Day on October 27 to mark their strong protest and indignation against the Indian brutalities in the Indian occupation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) for the last 76 years.

The day is being observed as a Black Day worldwide by Kashmiri people against the continual 76-year Indian Illegal occupation of the disputed valley.

The people of Jammu and Kashmir treat October 27 as the black day in the history of the disputed valley when India landed her armed forces against the aspirations and the wishes of the people of IIOJK.

The day is observed as Black Day by Kashmiris every year to mark extreme resentment and indignation over the continued unlawful and forcible occupation of the region by India.

This year too, the Black Day against continual illegal and forced Indian occupation would be observed at a time when the Kashmir freedom movement has reached its climax after the massive anti-India protests by Kashmiris.

Protest Rallies Against Indian Brutalities

Protest rallies and processions, as well as public congregations, would be the hallmark of Black Day in all small and major towns on either side of the LOC.

In Mirpur, a major protest rally will be organized by a large number of people from all walks of life to observe October 27 as a Black Day at District Courts premises at 10.00 a.m. under the auspices of the District National Events Organizing Committee with the coordination of all segments of the civil society including religious, social, and political parties.


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