Kazakhstan’s Crucial Role in SCO

Sat Jun 22 2024
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Naveed Miraj

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In the intricate realm of international organizations, some countries play crucial roles that frequently go unnoticed. These nations often contribute significantly through their strategic initiatives, diplomatic engagements and economic policies, yet their efforts do not always receive the recognition they deserve. One such country is Kazakhstan, whose strategic location and economic potential make it a significant player in the regional geopolitics.

Kazakhstan’s strategic significance is particularly evident in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), where it has played a productive and positive role since the organization’s inception. As a founding member, it has been instrumental in shaping the SCO’s agenda and priorities, particularly in the areas of economic cooperation, security, and connectivity.


The country has strongly advocated for the SCO’s evolution from a primarily security-focused entity to a more comprehensive organization addressing economic and developmental issues. Its proposals for the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Free Trade Area are pivotal in this regard. These initiatives are designed to provide the necessary financial infrastructure and regulatory framework to facilitate cross-border trade and investment, thereby driving economic growth and development. The “Nurly Zhol” policy, which focuses on infrastructure development and enhancing connectivity, aligns seamlessly with the BRI’s objectives of building trade and investment corridors across Eurasia. The fact of matter is that Kazakhstan is positioning itself as a crucial hub in the transcontinental economic network, facilitating smoother trade flows and fostering closer economic ties among SCO member states.

The significance of these efforts extends beyond immediate economic benefits. By advocating for a comprehensive approach that includes economic and developmental issues, Kazakhstan is promoting a model of regional cooperation that addresses the root causes of instability and conflict. Economic development and improved connectivity can help alleviate poverty, create jobs, and enhance living standards, thereby contributing to long-term regional stability. Moreover, Kazakhstan’s initiatives within the SCO provide a framework for sustainable development that other regions can emulate, showcasing the potential of regional organizations to drive economic progress and foster peace through cooperation. This holistic approach underscores the importance of Kazakhstan’s role in shaping the future trajectory of the SCO, making it a cornerstone of regional integration and economic prosperity.

The country’s proposals such as the creation of the SCO Investment Fund and the adoption of the SCO Energy Strategy highlight Kazakhstan’s focus on enhancing investment synergy and ensuring energy transition and decarbonization.


One of Kazakhstan’s key initiatives as SCO chair is the adoption of the SCO Development Strategy until 2035 and the Concept for Improving the SCO’s activities. These documents aim to deepen practical interaction among member states and provide an algorithm for progressive reform of the SCO. In the realm of security, Kazakhstan has proposed the common SCO Initiative “on world unity for a just peace and harmony,” which contains principles for strengthening confidence-building measures and maintaining stability in the region. Additionally, Kazakhstan has advocated for an updated Cooperation Program to counter terrorism, separatism, and extremism, reflecting its ongoing commitment to addressing regional security challenges.

Additionally, the country has prioritized cultural and humanitarian cooperation, recognizing the importance of these areas in fostering mutual understanding and regional solidarity. Projects such as the “Spiritual Shrines of the SCO” and the International Scientific and Practical Conference on “The Golden Horde and its Heritage” demonstrate Kazakhstan’s resolve to cultural exchange and historical preservation. Moreover, Kazakhstan has declared 2024 as the Year of Ecology within the SCO, emphasizing the need for collective action on climate change, food security, and biodiversity preservation.


Kazakhstan’s presidency in the SCO is not only a testament to its growing influence but also an important step toward regional stability and integration. Its role needs to be recognized and appreciated at a wider level. The proposals and vision put forward by Kazakhstan undoubtedly necessitates the collective efforts of all SCO member countries to bring them to fruition. The member states must work together to overcome challenges such as trade barriers, infrastructural gaps, and regulatory discrepancies. By fostering a spirit of mutual support and shared goals, the SCO can harness its collective strength to realize the vision of a more integrated, prosperous, and stable region. This cooperative effort will not only benefit individual countries but also enhance the SCO’s relevance and effectiveness as a pivotal force in global geopolitics.

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