Kim Jong Un Pledges Full Support to Russia Amid Strategic Partnership Pact

Wed Jun 19 2024
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PYONGYANG, North Korea: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has pledged full support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, marking a significant shift in geopolitical alliances. This commitment was made during a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, where the two leaders signed a comprehensive strategic partnership pact to bolster cooperation against the West.

Unprecedented Alliance

The strategic partnership pact, as reported by Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency, is set to form the basis of Russia-North Korea relations for years to come. Kim reaffirmed North Korea’s “full support and firm solidarity with the Russian government, armed forces, and people” in their conflict in Ukraine. He emphasized the unparalleled strength of their current relations, surpassing even historical ties with the Soviet Union. Putin reciprocated, expressing gratitude for North Korea’s consistent support of Russian policies, including on Ukraine.

Military and Technological Exchange

North Korea’s support has extended to supplying Russia with significant military aid, including artillery rounds and ballistic missiles, according to U.S. intelligence. In return, North Korea is believed to be receiving technological assistance from Russia for its space program. This exchange has already borne fruit, with North Korea successfully launching a spy satellite into orbit in November 2023 and planning more launches in 2024.

Kim Jong Un Pledges Full Support to Russia Amid Strategic Partnership Pact

Shared Sanctions and Strategic Resistance

Both nations face extensive international sanctions—Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and North Korea for its nuclear ambitions. In light of these sanctions, Putin, in a statement published in North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper, called for unity against “illegal and unilateral restrictions” and vowed to build alternative trade systems independent of Western control. Kim echoed this sentiment, highlighting the pivotal role of Russia in maintaining global strategic stability and balance.

Symbolic Diplomacy and Future Engagements

The summit included a grand welcome ceremony in Pyongyang’s Kim Il Sung Square, symbolizing the strengthened alliance. This visit marks Putin’s first trip to North Korea since 2000 and is viewed as a significant move to bolster ties that offer Pyongyang an alternative to its reliance on China. Putin extended an invitation for the next summit to be held in Moscow, underlining the ongoing commitment to deepening bilateral cooperation.

Kim Jong Un Pledges Full Support to Russia Amid Strategic Partnership Pact 2

Historic and Future Cooperation

The historic treaty of friendship and mutual assistance signed in 1961 between North Korea and the Soviet Union included provisions for automatic military intervention. Although a new treaty in 2000 shifted focus to economic and cultural cooperation, the current strategic pact suggests a revival of close military and strategic ties. Experts speculate that discussions may include the deployment of North Korean workers to Russia, addressing North Korea’s need for foreign currency and Russia’s labor shortages exacerbated by the Ukraine war.

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