King Charles Reads Get Well Cards: Report

Sat Feb 24 2024
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LONDON: The Royal family of the UK has released a new video featuring King Charles, wherein he is seen reading through a portion of the 7,000 messages of support that have poured in from across the globe since the announcement of his cancer diagnosis.

The palace shared this heartfelt video across its social media platforms, formerly known as Twitter and Instagram, with a message stating: “Since the announcement of Charles’s cancer diagnosis, he has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of thousands of messages conveying support and well wishes from around the world.”

The statement also expresses gratitude: “We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who have taken the time to reach out.”

Furthermore, it quotes the him: “As I have personally experienced, the kind sentiments expressed in these messages serve as the greatest solace and encouragement to all those battling cancer.” This release of the new video follows Charles’s disclosure of his emotional response.


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