Korea Contributes $ 1 Million to Support Afghan Refugees, Host Communities in Pakistan

Tue May 14 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Republic of Korea on Tuesday marked the contribution of one million dollars, aimed at bolstering UNHCR’s response in supporting Afghan refugees and their host communities in Pakistan.
This one-year project focuses on livelihood assistance, prevention and response to gender-based violence, community-based protection and updating of critical identity documentation, benefitting more than 125,000 people across the country.
The announcement was made at a ceremony held at the National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Centre of Excellence in Islamabad, where the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Pakistan, Mr. Park Ki Jun, and UNHCR Representative, Ms. Philippa Candler signed an agreement. The Chairperson of NAVTTC, Ms. Gulmina Bilal, was also present for the occasion.
Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Park expressed his appreciation to the government of Pakistan and UNHCR for their collaborative efforts to support Afghan refugees. “The refugee issue is not the sole concern of any one country, but a global agenda that the international community must work together on in solidarity,” he said.

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UNHCR’s Representative welcomed Korea’s generous assistance, underscoring that the funding is already transforming lives, with 1,000 Afghans and Pakistani students enrolled in the NAVTTC training programmes this year, along with strengthened prevention and response to gender-based violence, children’s protection, provision of legal aid and documentation.
Ms. Gulmina Bilal, the Chairperson of NAVTTC, highlighted the importance of the Republic of Korea’s contribution and partnership with UNHCR to continue providing youth skills development training and enhance their social and economic opportunities during the ceremony.

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In closing the ceremony, Mursal, an Afghan refugee who participated in a NAVTTC training and is now a project coordinator, shared her views on the importance of empowering youth, including women. “When I first learned about this opportunity to participate in this programme, I saw it as a chance to accomplish my dreams,” she noted. “Like many others, I seized this opportunity knowing that it held the key to a brighter future not only for myself but for my loved ones.”


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