KP Assembly Deputy Speaker Visits China Window, Stresses CPEC’s Role in Pakistan’s Growth

Wed Mar 06 2024
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PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Deputy Speaker Suriya Bibi expressed on Wednesday that the friendship between Pakistan and China will continue to strengthen and evolve further.

She highlighted the significance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in fostering Pakistan’s economic development, stating that it represents a crucial plan for the nation’s prosperity.

Suriya Bibi, the first-ever female directly elected as MPA from Chitral, made these remarks during her visit to the China Window.

As the second female deputy speaker in KP’s history, Suriya Bibi praised China for its consistent support to Pakistan, especially during challenging times. She emphasized the importance of ensuring that all regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including Chitral, benefit from the CPEC, expressing optimism that the initiative will bring about a new era of prosperity for the province.

Underlining the importance of learning the Chinese language, Suriya Bibi noted that proficiency in Chinese would provide job opportunities in projects supported by Chinese investors in Pakistan. She also mentioned the potential job creation from the establishment of the Rashkai Economic Zone, estimating over two hundred thousand new jobs.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, Deputy Speaker Suriya Bibi, Suriya Bibi, Pakistan, China, CPEC, Pakistan's economic development, China Window

Suriya Bibi commended China Window as a valuable center for fostering friendship between the people of Peshawar and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, as well as enhancing bilateral ties between Pakistan and China. She concluded her visit by distributing certificates to students who completed the Chinese language learning course.

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In his address at the ceremony, Arshad Aziz Malik, President of the Peshawar Press Club, underscored the importance of prioritizing economic development post-general elections to stimulate production and create job opportunities. He highlighted Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur’s commitment to improving the economy, expressing optimism for the industrial and agricultural sectors’ growth in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

China Window is a Chinese cultural center in Peshawar, working to promote Chinese culture and bring people of both countries together.

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