Kurds Deny Torturing Detainees in Syria Camps

Fri May 03 2024
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DAMASCUS: The Kurdish authorities in Syria on Thursday rejected claims by Amnesty International that they tortured Daesh militants and their affiliates detained in camps.

More than 56,000 prisoners with connection to the militant Daesh group are still detained five years after the so-called Islamic State militants were driven out of their last territory in Syria. The militants locked up in prisons include Daesh fighters and their families in Al-Hol and Roj camps.

Secretary General Amnesty International Agnes Callamard alleged that Kurdish authorities had committed war crimes of torturing and cruel treatment, and most probably committed the war crime of murder.

The semi-autonomous Kurdish administration in Syria’s northeast said it respects its obligations to stop the violation of its laws, which bars such illegal acts and adheres to international law.

It asked Amnesty to provide it with any evidence to substantiate its claims.

“We are open to cooperating with Amnesty International regarding its proposed recommendations, which require concerted regional and international efforts,” it said.

Kurdish authorities said they had asked the global community to help in managing the camps, which required massive financial resources.

Al-Hol is the biggest internment camp in Syria, with more than 43,000 detainees from 47 nations.


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