Kuwait’s Sweltering Summers Serve Warning Amidst Heating Planet

Wed Aug 02 2023
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KUWAIT CITY: In the scorching heat of Kuwait’s blazing summer sun, the city’s residents find relief within air-conditioned malls and buildings, as temperatures soar to around 50 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit). The Gulf region’s climate hotspot, Kuwait, faces extreme heat due to climate change, with summer peaks becoming hotter and longer in recent years.

The irony lies in Kuwait’s heavy reliance on energy-intensive air conditioning systems, contributing to the carbon emissions that exacerbate global warming. As a country with seven percent of the world’s crude reserves, Kuwait’s energy wealth has long provided a luxurious lifestyle for many residents. However, it has also made the country one of the leading per capita emitters of CO2, driving climate change.

Meteorologist Essa Ramadan highlights that summer heatwaves have intensified, lasting for about a month instead of two weeks. The number of days per year with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius has tripled since the turn of the century. As the world witnesses an increase in extreme heat records, he warns that what is happening in Kuwait may become a reality elsewhere.

Kuwait Forest Project to Combat Climate Change

Recognizing the urgency, some citizens have launched grassroots initiatives, such as tree-planting, to help cool urban environments. The Kuwait Forest project, initiated during the height of the Covid pandemic, aims to create green spaces that not only provide shade but also help improve air quality and capture carbon.

Kuwait is now taking steps to address climate change. The country has begun constructing its first commercial solar power park, the Shagaya project, with a goal to have renewable energy constitute 15 percent of its energy production by 2035. Furthermore, more public transport and green energy initiatives are being explored to counter the impact of climate change.

While Kuwait faces the challenges of a warming planet, its efforts towards renewable energy and environmental protection indicate a growing awareness of the need to mitigate the effects of climate change and build a sustainable future.

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