Kyrgyzstan Still Ideal Destination for Medical Education: Kyrgyz Ambassador

Sat Jun 01 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan, Ulanbek Totuiaev has said that Kyrgyzstan is still an ideal destination for medical education of foreign students and the Bishkek has always provided a healthy educational environment to foreign students.

Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan, Ulanbek Totuiaev in an interview with the Pakistan state news agency said that recently, some criminal elements tried to disrupt the situation in Kyrgyzstan but their government handled the situation according to the constitution of the country. He added that Pakistani students are now safe in the country and can continue their education.

The ambassador said that Kyrgyzstan has always been an ideal state for Pakistan’s medical students.

He said that the ties between Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan are ideal and the history of mutual diplomatic and economic relations between the two brotherly states is rooted in the ancient ‘Silk Route.’

He said that recently some elements tried to spoil the bilateral ties between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan, which both nations are aware of and the people of both countries should also be aware of it.

Replying to a question, he said that the situation in Kyrgyzstan is completely under the control of law enforcement agencies and the safety of citizens and public order were ensured. He noted there were no seriously wounded people among the participants of the incident.

The ambassador said that on the evening of last May 13, a fight started between local and foreign nations in one of the hostels in the eastern part of Bishkek and then the police opened a criminal case and took all participants in the brawl to the police department.

He said that a video of the fight and wounded Kyrgyz citizens was also released on one of the social media pages, as a result of which on the night of last May 18 in Bishkek a crowd demanding that the foreigners be brought to justice.

He added from the moment information about the incident was received, law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan took action and detained persons involved in the event, both foreign and local citizens.

Ulanbek Totuiae said that on May 20, in Astana, on the sidelines of the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Zheenbek Kulubaev had a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Mohammad Ishaq Dar.

During the meeting, both sides discussed issues about the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan.

He said that after the regular meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Mohammad Ishaq Dar made a brief stopover in Bishkek.

The ambassador said that the people of Kyrgyzstan look forward to strengthening ties with the people of Pakistan.

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