Let Kashmiris be Given the Right to Self-determination: Dr. Farhan Chak

Fri Dec 08 2023
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WASHINGTON: The World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF) and the Kashmir Diaspora Coalition (KDC) in collaboration with Kashmir American Welfare Association (KAWA) in Washington DC, USA successfully held a private ceremony to launch Dr. Farhan Mujahid Chak’s groundbreaking work on Kashmir. His book, published by the eminent Pluto Press, is called “Nuclear Flashpoint: War Over Kashmir.’ All books at the event were sold.

Ilyasah Shahbaz, educator and daughter of Malcolm X, highlighted the institutionalized systematic racial persecution against Kashmiris, pushing the world to the brink of nuclear conflict. Dr. Chak’s insightful analysis, as showcased in his book, “Nuclear Flashpoint,” elucidates how this unresolved crisis jeopardizes global peace, echoing sentiments shared by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and others.

President of WKAF and Chairman of KDC, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Mir, remarked on Dr. Chak’s impactful rhetoric, noting its unsettling effect on India’s control over the indigenous Kashmiri narrative.

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Expressing horror at the situation, WKAF Secretary-General Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai bravely declared solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir, emphasizing the book’s significance in challenging the false Indian narrative across generations.

Organizer Sardar Zarif Khan stressed the global Kashmiri diaspora’s responsibility to present the Kashmiri narrative worldwide, particularly in the American public square.

Representatives from KAWA, including Sardar Zubair Khan, Shoaib Irshad, and Sardar Aftab Khan, extended gratitude to attendees for participating in the significant book launch ceremony.

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Dr. Farhan Mujahid Chak, the Canadian-Kashmiri scholar and guest of honor, affirmed the global Kashmiri diaspora’s commitment to the principles of a free, democratic world. He shed light on India’s suppression of opposition and highlighted the severe human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir under the Modi-led BJP government.

Dr. Chak urged the international community to address the fascist BJP government of India, drawing attention to its aggressive actions against asylum seekers, refugees, activists, academics, students, defenders, and journalists.

He called on human rights groups in the US, UK, Canada, EU, and other law-abiding countries to confront and sanction India for its blatant disregard for international human rights law. Additionally, he urged the Indian military to withdraw from Jammu and Kashmir, allowing the people of Kashmir the right to self-determination guaranteed by more than a dozen UN Security Council resolutions.

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Attendees at the book launch ceremony included Senator (Dr.) Akbar Khawaja, Dr. Rashid Piracha, Dr. Maqssod Chaudhary, Mr. Kausar Javeed, Dr. Zulfiqar Kazmi, Mr. Zahid Hussain, Dr. A. Dhar, Mr. Khurram Shahzad, Mr. Yusuf Choudhry, Mr. Ridwan Majidi, and Mr. Saqib.

WKAF, established in 2005, the World Kashmir Awareness Forum is a Washington, DC-based organization dedicated to providing information on the Kashmir conflict and advocating for the rights of Kashmiris in the region and the diaspora.

WKAF achieves its mission by producing, aggregating, and amplifying news articles relevant to the region, organizing and participating in demonstrations and rallies, and engaging in advocacy efforts for the rights of Kashmiris in Indian-occupied Kashmir. The organization also produces and posts content on YouTube, Instagram, Meta, and X.

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