Let’s Stand With Our Apolitical Army

Tue Apr 25 2023
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Naveed Miraj

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Given the unfortunate propaganda and vilification campaign continuing against the institution of the Army targeting its role and capabilities, the very maiden presser by DG ISPR Major General Ahmed   Sharif on Tuesday was timely, and the way all the important aspects were covered categorically and comprehensively delivered a loud and clear message that nothing can distract the armed forces of the country from performing its constitutionally mandated responsibilities i.e. protecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan.

Unquestionably, Pakistan Army has always received unflinching public support because of its contributions to meet with internal and external security threats.  It is also a fact that the institution has received a lot of ire from different segments of society for its role in the country’s politics.  But now, the very decision by the Army to stay apolitical is really welcoming, which will definitely bring political stability as well as further strengthen the bonds between the people and the armed forces of Pakistan.

ISPR, Army, Pakistan, India, campaign, political parties,

The very statement by DG ISPR Major General Ahmed Sharif that Pakistan Army is a national army and that it respects all political parties and politicians should be seen in a very positive manner. It should clear the minds of those who still want to entangle the institution into politics. In fact, the very next words of the DG ISPR are more momentous when he states that “if any country’s army is used to favour a specific political ideology or religion or vision, then it has only led to chaos.

Whilst this really indicates that the institution has learnt its lesson – something which will enhance its prestige in the long term, it is also for our political parties to stop looking at the institution for interference and rather address their matters by sitting together.

The DG ISPR, in his presser, also reaffirmed Pakistan’s principled position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute as well as the capabilities of armed forces to respond to any Indian aggression. In terms of arsenal and weaponry, India might be more resourceful and advanced, but our armed forces have proved time and again that through their gallantry and professionalism, they have the capability to outsmart the enemy.

One saw its most recent manifestation when our Shaheens shot down two Indian fighter jets during a dogfight back in 2019. This dog fight showed clearly to the world as to whose pilots are more skilled and well-trained. Though Pakistan cannot afford an arms race given its limited resources, but we are confident that the necessary requirements of our forces will be fully met to counter any external threat.

Our forces have also proved their competence in the unconventional war against terrorism. It is because of their relentless operation that peace largely stood restored in the country. As also stated by the DG ISPR, due to the sacrifices of the public and army, there are no no-go areas in Pakistan today.

The entire nation will always remain indebted to the sacrifices rendered by the security forces for a better and prosperous future. It is also a matter of great satisfaction that our forces are not complacent at all but rather fully cognizant of the threat posed by this menace to the country’s peace and stability.

This is why, according to the DG ISPR, operations are being carried out against terrorists. We are confident that the day is not far when the country will be completely purged of terrorists and their financers and abettors.

While the armed forces are diligently fulfilling their responsibilities, it is also for us to fully back them instead of becoming part of the smear campaign, which is tantamount to advancing the agenda of the enemy. India has always tried to drive a wedge between Pakistan Army and the people, and collectively we need to foil it by staying firmly united.

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