Lithuania and Pakistan Celebrate 30 Years of Diplomatic Relations

Sat May 25 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was celebrated with a colourful event in Islamabad.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Egidijus Meilūnas, the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, said that Lithuania forged diplomatic relations with Pakistan only four years after reclaiming its statehood from a 50-year Soviet occupation. He said this period of fast transformation had brought stability, security, and prosperity to Lithuania. “These three decades were extremely dynamic for Lithuania,” he maintained.

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Furthermore, Vice-Minister Meilūnas underscored the significance of this year, marking not only the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties but also the 20th anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in the European Union and NATO. He praised these milestones for solidifying Lithuania’s position within the European and Euro-Atlantic family, where opinions are shared and heard, and culture of compromise and consensus in politics is appreciated.

Vice-Minister Meilūnas said that today they had very fruitful and friendly discussions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan on political and economic developments in our countries, bilateral relations, relations between the European Union and Pakistan, situation in South Asia and Europe. He said that both sides explored opportunities for enhancing bilateral cooperation, particularly in economic spheres such as business services, startup ecosystems, fintech, software development, cybersecurity, life sciences, engineering, and electronics. Vice-Minister Meilūnas highlighted Lithuania’s strength in these sectors, underscoring its potential as a valuable partner for Pakistani companies.

Expressing gratitude, Vice-Minister Meilūnas acknowledged the significant contribution of Mr. Masud Khan, Lithuania’s Honorary Consul General in Pakistan, towards strengthening Lithuanian-Pakistani relations.

Vice-Minister Meilūnas expressed his optimism for the future, wishing for the next 30 years of cooperation between Lithuania and Pakistan to be successful, productive, and built upon mutual respect and friendship.

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The event concluded with well-wishes for prosperity and success for both nations, reflecting the shared commitment to deepening bilateral ties and fostering a strong partnership between Lithuania and Pakistan.

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