Majority of Germans Want New Government, Says Poll

Mon Aug 21 2023
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BERLIN: According to a survey majority of the German voters wants a new government in the Western European state, western media reported on Sunday.

The poll conducted by leading newspaper Bild says two-thirds of voters are not happy with the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

It said 64% of Germans believe that a change of government would enhance the quality of people’s lives. Only 22% of the voters thought an election would not benefit Germany. The same number of the voters said they were happy with the work of Olaf Scholz as chancellor.

Majority of Germans Want New Government, Says Poll

People were also asked about the “traffic light” coalition of center-left Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens, and the neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP).

Voters were asked how they compare Scholz’s party with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Grand Coalition of conservative Christian Democrats/Christian Socialists (CDU/CSU) and the SPD.

Only 10% of voters said the current coalition was doing better, with 49% terming it as worse.

A day earlier, the German public also show displeasure with Scholz in a poll conducted by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (Elections Research Group) on behalf of the public broadcaster ZDF.

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It found that 51% were unhappy with Scholz’s performance while 58% termed his governance poor.

There was weak support for Scholz’s SPD as only 19% said they would vote for the party if an election was imminent, with the Greens on 15% and the FDP on 7%.

Tino Chrupalla, leader of the Alternative for Germany, known as AFD has said his party’s voter share has increased from 10.3% in the 2021 general election to as high as 21% in recent months.

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