Malaysian High Commission’s Handover Aids to Rawalpindi Orphanage

Tue Apr 02 2024
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ISLAMABAD: In a display of compassion and solidarity, the Malaysian High Commission in Islamabad, through its club Kelab Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia Islamabad, in collaboration with the Ladies Association of the High Commission (PERWAKILAN Islamabad), delivered essential aid to the Anjuman Faizul Islam Orphanage in Rawalpindi.

Led by Ambassador Azhar Mazlan, High Commissioner of Malaysia to Pakistan, a Malaysian delegation was warmly welcomed by Prof. Dr. Riaz Ahmad, the President of the orphanage, alongside the center’s administration team and over 300 orphanage residents. Ambassador Azhar was honored with a guard of honor by the center’s Boy Scouts upon his arrival.

During the ceremony, President Dr. Riaz appreciated the Malaysian High Commission for their generous contributions, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. He shed light on the institution’s rich history, dating back to 1943, and its noble mission of providing shelter and education to thousands of orphans aged 3 to 16, sustained solely through public donations. 

Dr. Riaz underscored the orphanage’s dedication to equipping its residents with formal education and technical skills training in various fields, including electrical, mechanical, tailoring, and woodworking.

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In his address, Ambassador Azhar praised the orphanage administration for their remarkable efforts in nurturing the residents into successful individuals, despite their challenging circumstances. He encouraged the orphans to persevere and strive for excellence, emphasizing that their potential knows no bounds, despite their humble beginnings.

Malaysian High Commission, Islamabad, Anjuman Faizul Islam Orphanage, Rawalpindi, Ambassador Azhar Mazlan, High Commissioner of Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Riaz Ahmad, President, orphanage, Ambassador Azhar,

Madam Amelia Amani Lee Abdullah, Chairperson of PERWAKILAN Islamabad, echoed Ambassador Azhar’s sentiments, expressing admiration for the orphanage’s discipline and pledging ongoing support. She emphasized that the modest donation to the 300 orphanage residents aimed to alleviate their needs and assist the administration in any way possible.

Following the formal proceedings, the Malaysian delegation embarked on a comprehensive tour of the orphanage’s facilities, gaining insights into its dormitories, kitchens, classrooms, and technical education centers.

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The High Commissioner reaffirmed Malaysia’s steadfast commitment to supporting the orphanage and exploring avenues for providing vocational assistance, including potential collaboration with Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions.

Moreover, as part of their annual Ramadan tradition, the High Commission distributed over 350 packs of Malaysia’s traditional porridge, ‘Bubur Lambuk,’ to the needy community at Bari Imam town and security personnel at the Diplomatic Enclave, further demonstrating Malaysia’s dedication to serving humanity and fostering goodwill.

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