Malaysian Navy Chief Meets Pakistan’s Acting President, Discuss Bilateral Ties

Mon May 20 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Acting President Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani has emphasized the need for further enhancing bilateral ties with Malaysia, stressing the mutual interests of the two nations.
During a meeting with Royal Malaysian Navy Chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Ayob and his delegation in Islamabad, Acting President Gillani highlighted the importance of strengthening cooperation between Pakistan and Malaysia. Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Naveed Ashraf, also attended the meeting.
Acting President Gillani underscored the cordial cooperation between Pakistan and Malaysia across various international platforms, emphasizing the need for its reinforcement for the benefit of both countries.
Addressing maritime sectors, he urged the exploration of new avenues for cooperation, particularly through training and exchange programs between the navies of Pakistan and Malaysia, aiming to solidify naval collaboration.
The Acting President commended the regular conduct of bilateral naval exercises and training collaborations, expressing appreciation for Malaysia’s consistent participation in AMAN exercises.
He emphasized the importance of maintaining this momentum and sought Malaysia’s continued support for Pakistan’s aspirations to become a Full Dialogue Partner of ASEAN.

In a special investiture ceremony, the Acting President conferred the Nishan-e-Imtiaz (Military) award upon Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Ayob, recognizing his significant role in fostering cooperation between the Royal Malaysian Navy and the Pakistan Navy. The award acknowledges his professional accomplishments and efforts in strengthening the friendship between the two navies.
Expressing gratitude for the honor, Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Ayob thanked the Acting President and reiterated his commitment to further enhancing naval cooperation between Malaysia and Pakistan.

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