Militants Abduct 110 Civilians in Central Mali

Mon Apr 22 2024
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DAKAR:  Over 110 civilians, abducted by suspected militants in central Mali, remain missing six days after their kidnapping, local sources reported to AFP on Monday.

The incident occurred on April 16 when three buses carrying civilians were intercepted by “militant” forces. These armed men compelled both the vehicles and passengers to divert towards a forested area between Bandiagara and Bankass, as stated by a local coalition of associations and an unnamed elected official.

“We are calling for the immediate release of the over 110 passengers from the three buses who were abducted by militants,” stated Oumar Ongoiba, a member of the coalition, to AFP.

Confirming the ongoing captivity, an elected official from Bandiagara, preferring anonymity due to security concerns, reported, “The militants are still holding captive the three buses along with their passengers, numbering over 120 people.”

Mali has faced turmoil since 2012, grappling with various factions, as well as self-proclaimed defense groups and criminal elements.

The security crisis has exacerbated humanitarian and political challenges, further complicated by spillover violence affecting Burkina Faso and Niger, where military regimes have seized power in response to the instability.

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