Militarization of IIOJK

Fri Sep 06 2024
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Sikandar Noorani

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Saner elements in India do believe that the violent approach of the BJP is one of the major factors endangering regional peace. Modi government’s recent decision to deploy three hundred more companies of para troops in disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir rings many alarm bells. After failing to secure requisite majority in national polls, BJP seems desperate to conquer the IIOJK with manipulated and rigged elections. India usually tries to conceal the exact number of troops deployed in disputed territory to avoid the objections of international community on the dubious legitimacy of governance mechanism and countless human rights violations reported from IIOJK. As per reports of international watchdogs including Amnesty International India chapter reports, disputed territory is being controlled with tri-services regular troops, Armed Forces Special Operations Division (AFSOD), CRPF, BSF, Shastra Seema Bal, and local police. In addition to these troops, whole region is cluttered with various intelligence outfits and their touts. It is assessed that number of Indian troops deployed in IIOJK is closer to one million due to which this region is considered the world’s highest militarized zone. This should be kept in focus that India has been persistently militarizing the disputed borders with Pakistan (LoC) and China. In the context of military clashes with Chinese troops in Galwan, India has triggered arms race in the region with induction of most advanced Rafale fighter jets and highly lethal S-400 missile system. Lethal arms deployed on Chinese border are equally effective in IIOJK at LoC. BJP is desperate to heal the wounds of recent national elections by establishing government in IIOJK through manipulated polls. Rivalry with Pakistan has many historical dimensions but the Indian Illegal Occupation of Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) always holds the central place in the tense bilateral equation. The unresolved dispute of Jammu & Kashmir eventually triggered wars between both countries. India is in a constant state of denial about the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir. The region is governed by the so-called largest democracy through a lieutenant governor against the will of the masses. This undemocratic arrangement has been imposed since past six years. Back in 2014, BJP strived hard to gain the numerical majority in the state assembly. Despite rigged elections, BJP could not secure minimum essential 44 seats to gain the majority status. BJP joined the coalition government formed by Chief Minister Mufti Saeed’s PDP. Powerless and unpopular government of PDP miserably failed to manage the unrest in the disputed region.

Militarization of IIOJK

Freedom Fighter Burhan Wani

After the tragic martyrdom of young freedom fighter Burhan Wani, Kashmiri freedom movement gained strong momentum. In 2016, Mehbooba Mufti became Chief Minister after the death of her father Mufti Saeed with obvious approval of Modi regime.  PDP-BJP artificial coalition government was too unpopular to deal with the growing unrest amid state sponsored brutalities. Subsequently, Mehbooba Mufti resigned from the CM office citing serious disagreements with New Delhi in June 2018. Brutal state sponsored atrocities against unarmed civilians have pushed the Kashmiris far away from the Indian concept of governing the illegally occupied region.  Appointment of lieutenant governor instead of elected chief minister and absence of state assembly is huge evidence of political abnormality prevailing in Jammu and Kashmir. BJP is firm believer of dealing the minorities with an iron fist. Her ongoing rule, surpassing a decade, is grim story of Islamophobiac violent policies. Suppression of IIOJK has always remained one of the top priorities of BJP government. Historically India could not counter the freedom movement with manipulated elections and non-representative puppet chief ministers. Renowned journalist late Kuldeep Nair pointed out few years back that Jammu and Kashmir had started slipping from the hand of India like sand primarily due to inhuman atrocities. For decades, India is trying to suppress the Kashmiris with extra judicial killings, custodial torture, gang rapes, fabricated terrorism charges and denial of fundamental rights. Situation is continuously worsening since India unilaterally revoked special statehood status of Jammu and Kashmir in 2019.Top tier of BJP does not believe on political engagement and mutual coexistence in the region. Recent irresponsible statement of foreign minister Jay Shankar rejecting possibility of dialogue with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue reflects the peculiar spoiler mindset of BJP. As a matter of routine, senior BJP ministers’ issue provocative statements with clear threats of annexing the AJK and GB by force. Disputed Jammu and Kashmir region is rightly considered nuclear flashpoint of South Asia amid aggressive maneuvering of India. Fresh deployment of additional troops in IIOJK in the garb of upcoming manipulated elections must not be viewed as an isolated event. This episode reflects war hysteria of Modi regime and has obvious linkage with Indian militarization drive in disputed territories along LoC and Chinese borders.

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